Anti-Valentine's Week is a series of days that follow Valentine's Day and are observed by some people who are not fond of the romanticism associated with Valentine's Day. Each day of Anti-Valentine's Week has its own theme, and they are sometimes seen as a humorous or satirical response to the sentiments of Valentine's Day. Here's a brief overview of each day:

Slap Day (February 15th): This day is humorously marked as an opportunity for people who are frustrated with love to metaphorically slap all the romantic notions out of their lives. It's more of a lighthearted joke than an actual call for violence.

Kick Day (February 16th): Similar to Slap Day, Kick Day is about kicking away all the negativity and frustrations associated with love and relationships.

Perfume Day (February 17th): On this day, people may choose to gift themselves or others with perfume, perhaps as a way to freshen up their spirits after the jests of the previous days.

Flirting Day (February 18th): Despite its name, Flirting Day can be interpreted in various ways. Some may see it as a day to engage in playful banter without the pressure of romantic expectations, while others may simply choose to ignore it altogether.

Confession Day (February 19th): Confession Day provides an opportunity for people to confess their feelings, whether positive or negative, to those they care about. It can be a chance to clear the air and express oneself openly.

Missing Day (February 20th): This day is for those who are missing someone or something in their lives, whether it's a past relationship, a lost loved one, or simply a feeling of emptiness. It's a day to reflect on what is absent.

Breakup Day (February 21st): The culmination of Anti-Valentine's Week, Breakup Day symbolizes the end of relationships that may no longer be healthy or fulfilling. It can be a time for closure and moving on.